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Accanto a Domenico Quirico
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di Nuova Informazione Anche oggi nessuna notizia di Domenico Quirico, l'inviato de la Stampa che ormai da tre settimane è scomparso in Siria. La giornata del primo maggio i colleghi della Subalpina l'hanno dedicata a lui. Niente festeggiamenti, ma uno striscione per chiederne l'immediato ritorno. Un grido che si ripete di comunicato in comunicato, da quello della Fnsi a quelli della Federazione europea e della Federazione internazionale dei giornalisti, un appello ripreso da tutti i giornali e da molti siti d'informazione e che ora campeggia, con un fiocco giallo, sui baveri di molte colleghe e colleghi. Anche noi ci uniamo alla preoccupazione e alla speranza. E ai troppi che per populismo o superficialità attaccano di questi tempi il giornalismo ricordiamo che QUESTO è il volto del buon giornalismo, che arriva a mettersi a rischio pur di esercitare il proprio dovere di informare. Alcuni link e poi, per intero, il comunicato della Federazione internazionale dei Giornalisti (Ifj): LA STAMPA UN TESTIMONE FNSI GIULIA 30 April 2013: IFJ Appeals for Safe Return of Italian Journalist Missing in Syria The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), and its European group, the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ), have today appealed for the safe return of an Italian journalist missing in Syria. Domenico Quirico, 62, an experienced war correspondent for Turins la Stampa newspaper, has not been heard from for 20 days. According to La Stampas editor-in-chief, Mario Calabresi, the reporter entered Syria from Lebanon on April 6 to report on the countrys civil war and has not been in contact since April 9. On the eve of World Press Freedom Day, we appeal for the safe return of journalist Domenico Quirico and we stand in solidarity with his family and colleagues, said IFJ President Jim Boumelha. Mr Quirico is a journalist, free to report on the the Syrian conflict without fear of intimidation or violence. He cannot be harmed or treated as an enemy. If he has been stopped or held by any armed group or faction we appeal for his immediate release. La Stampa said they decided to publicise Mr Quirico's disappearance after a search for the correspondent failed to turn up any leads. Mr Calabresi said the journalist, who has reported on conflicts in Sudan, Uganda and Libya, would often disappear for a few days at a time, but not for this long. The Italian foreign ministry has activated its crisis unit to try to trace him. The National Federation of the Italian Press (FNSI) has called on whoever is holding Mr Quirico to free him. Whoever has prevented Domenico Quirico from communicating with his newspaper and his family for the last 20 days should know that he has nothing to do with an enemy or warring faction, said Franco Siddi, Secretary-General of the NFIP. Whoever stopped him in Syria, where he was doing his job as special envoy for his newspaper, La Stampa, please listen to our appeal and give our colleague his freedom. He is an experienced journalist, a true witness of the events of war such as the Arab Spring, the ethnic conflicts in Africa and the Middle East issue, appreciated and respected like few others. If any armed group or some faction suspiciously stopped him, know that he cannot be a treated as a target. In Turin tomorrow, May 1, the regional association of the FNSI, plans to carry out a demonstration on the streets where they will wear a yellow strip on their arms to make people aware that Mr Quirico is missing. For more information, please contact IFJ on + 221 33 867 95 86/87 The IFJ represents more than 600.000 journalists in 134 countries